
Clash of Colour - Which superhero colour is the strongest?

Deathstroke vs Deadshot - Who wins and why?

Green Lantern vs Magneto - Who wins and why?

Blue Beetle vs Spider-Man - Who wins?

The Dark Knights vs The Avengers - Who wins and why?

Doctor Doom vs Superman: Who would win?

Nightwing vs Damian Wayne - who wins?

Shazam vs Superman - who wins and why?

Superman vs Ghost Rider - who wins and why?

Red Hulk vs Lobo - Who wins and why?

Kang vs Thanos - Who wins and why?

Batman vs Black Panther

Wolverine vs Black Panther - Who wins and why?

Batman vs Spider-Man 2099 - Who wins and why?

Failsafe vs The Avengers - Who wins and why?

Bane vs Kingpin - Who wins and why?

Wonder Woman vs Martian Manhunter - Who wins and why?