Nightwing vs Damian Wayne - who wins?


Who wins between Batman's blood son or Batman's first son?

Nightwing has much better strength due to the age advantage and how he casually harms superhumans like Deathstroke and Blockbuster who both have above human level strength. He has also made a Superman powered Batman bleed with a punch.

Nightwing is also known for his reaction speed and agility, he knocked Kid Flash on the ground whilst he was running, dodges bullets and jumps off buildings just to casually jump back up. 

Damian is more skilled, he has been trained by the league of assassins from birth, with additional training from Batman.

Though he isn't as skilled, Nightwing is much smarter, he has been stated as one of the world's greatest detectives.

In addition to his IQ, Nightwing is more durable, he tanks hits from Batman with Superman's powers and survived hits from Blockbuster who destroys buildings with his hits.

In conclusion, Nightwing wins 7/10 times.


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