
Everyone in Marvel who wielded The Infinity Gauntlet

Green Lantern vs The Flash - Who wins in a fight?

The Avengers vs Doomsday; who wins and why?

Who wins between Beta Ray Bill and Thor vs Shazam and Black Adam?

Who would have a harder time if they switched rouge galleries, Thor or Superman?

Green Lantern Corps vs Knull and his Symbiote army, who wins and why?

Who are Marvel's Justice League?

Top 10 the strongest Symbiotes in Marvel

Who are the strongest Spider-Man rogues?

Who wins, Deathstroke vs The Bat Family?

Top 5 most brutal scenes in Marvel history.

Punisher vs The Sinister Six; who wins and why?

Green Lantern vs Magneto - Who wins and why?

Characters that should be in the MCU

Characters who need to be in the new DCEU

Blue Beetle vs Spider-Man - Who wins?

Everything you need to know about the Spider-Man 2 game