Green Lantern vs The Flash - Who wins in a fight?

The Scarlet Speedster vs Emerald Light, who wins and why?
Hal and Barry are best friends, so this scenario would be highly unlikely, but still fun to explore...

The Flash's main strength is speed, obviously, and Green Lantern's is his constructs, so who wins when those powers are pitted against each other?

Green Lantern has more physical strength, as his ring has enhanced him to be able to lift buildings with ease.

Flash is smarter than Hal, as he was a scientist who figured out how to regain the speed force.

Green Lantern has more raw power than Barry since he created a Green Lantern Ring on his own, which is said to be impossible for anyone other than The Guardians. He can also create cities with his ring.

Barry is much faster, as he can travel back in time easily and he can hit Superman almost 50 times in just a few seconds.

Hal has better durability since he can fly through supernovas and tank hits from Wonder Woman and Superman.

Flash is skilled, but so is Green Lantern; he was trained by Sinestro, the strongest Green Lantern (when he was a Green Lantern). Flash is the more skilled though, since he knows how to phase and uses his powers more wisely.

Their abilities are very equal, Hal has more power, but Flash has good abilities like phasing, super speed and speed thinking.

Finally, Green Lantern's attack potency is much better since he's able to greatly injure Captain Atom.

In conclusion, Green Lantern wins this incredibly close, but unlikely to ever happen, battle.

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