10 Things you didn't know about Nova


10 Facts about Richard Rider, aka Nova

MCU's next superhero Nova is all set to blast onto our TV screens in the very near future and will be a big feature in films and series, just like he is in the comic books.

But who is he? CBB found out some quick and interesting facts you need to know about the cosmic character.

10. Richard Rider gained his powers from the last surviving member of the Nova Corps when receiving their uniform and all the powers that come with it.

9. Despite sending all his time in space, Richard Rider was born in New York and attended the Empire State University. As a teenager, he was chosen by alien Rhomann Dey, the last surviving centurion of Xandar's elite Nova Corps, to inherit his power and succeed him the the rank of Nova Prime. It happened a little unintentionally though; after tracking intergalactic pirate Zorr to planet Earth, Dey was mortally wounded in the battle and no choice but to transfer his powers to an unsuspecting human.

8. Nova's girlfriend and long-term love interest is Gamora. In the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy films, it's Star-Lord and Gamora who share feelings for one another exclusively, but in the comic books there's a bit of a love triangle going on. Gamora loves Nova, but when believed dead, she works closely with Peter Quill and develops feeling for him until Nova returns and they rekindle their relationship. Prior to this, Rider also had a romantic relationship with Namorita Prentiss, a sub-mariner related to Namor.

7. He once worked in a fast-food restaurant, barely able to scrape a living.

6. He has many enemies, such as the aforementioned Zorr, but he also fights the Skrulls, who he defeated with the help of Rom the Space Knight. Another nemesis of his is Nebula, who once destroyed Xandar; and also Annihilus, who is a powerful Fantastic Four villain that Nova stopped in his tracks and killed by forcing his hand down his throat and ripping out his entrails! Other enemies include Thanos, Condor, Powerhouse, Diamondhead, the Sphynx, Volx, and the Corruptor.

5. He has a scar on the right side of his face.

4. Rider joined the New Warriors team after he regained the powers he had lost. It was Night Thrasher who kidnapped Rich and threw him from the top of a building believing that high adrenaline rush could reinstall the depressed former hero's lost powers. Luckily, it worked! It was the New Warriors who accidentally caused the deaths of 612 innocent humans in Stamford that snowballed into the Civil War between Iron Man and Captain America. 

3. The Nova Corps once stripped Rider of his powers. He saved Earth from destruction by preventing the detonation of the Deathstorm bomb, but dealing with that disaster meant he had ignored a call from the Nova Corps and that resulted in the dereliction of his duties. His power was taken and given to Garthan Seal instead.

2. He discovered Knowhere when on the run, which is a small city carved into the head of a dead celestial. He met a telepathic dog there called Cosmo.

1. Nova once fought Silver Surfer and lost.

Bonus Fact: He is good friends with love-rival Star-Lord and once saved his life in a battle against Ultron. It was Rider who helped Quill set up the Guardians of the Galaxy team.

Bonus Fact: Nova has been an Avenger before, when called upon by Captain America. On a mission to Mars, Rider became possessed by the Serpent Crown and, in order to save him, the Worldmind transferred his Nova Force powers to Steve Rogers, who destroyed the crowned then transferred the powers back again.

Bonus Fact: Nova has teamed up with Spider-man before. They have thwarted bank robberies in New York together.
