Power scaling Batman - Is he street tier or higher?

Just how powerful is The Bat?

We all know Batman is one of the strongest street tiers, but just how strong is he?

Firstly, his feats of strength. He has lifted a building twice, leg pressed 2,500lbs, ripped a plane door off mid flight, hurt Wonder Woman after weakening her, hurt Aquaman, Green Lantern and more heavy hitters. He broke 8 of Cluemaker`s bones in one punch, damaged and defeated White Martions, whilst tortured for over a week, he broke metal chains and beat a cult.

Now, stamina/durability/endurance. He beat 40 gang members all with guns, survived a gauntlet in his early years, survives in sub zero heat, he ran through bazooka fire and survived hits from a bloodlusted Superman. He tanked hits from Failsafe, a robot Bruce made to beat Batman if he went rogue, who defeated Superman. 

Now speed. He has dodged machine gun fire and reacted to Flash and Reverse Flash. He is fast enough to switch two cups mid conversation and beat Bane, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Mister Freeze, Joker, Penguin and Killer Croc in just a couple of moves. 

Skill and IQ. Batman has created a suit capable of beating the Justice League and the Hellbat suit which made him go toe to toe with Darksied. Batman resurrected Martion Manhunter and created contingencies for nearly every hero he knows including himself. He made a suit which nearly beat Superman until Bruce had a heart attack mid fight (he was old at that time), he made a suit with the Justice League contingencies inside and nearly killed Darkseid. He knows 463 ways to incapacitate someone without drawing blood, spars with other martial artists, made Talons feel fear, skilled up many Talons when he was caught off-guard and Talons are made to be the best soldier which cannot feel emotions. 

He is not street tier and is mid tier. 


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