Top 3 most ridiculous Batman villains

Batty Batman baddies

Batman has many villains, but which ones have the dumbest designs?

3. Kite Man is pretty much just a man with a glider flying around Gotham city and he has no powers. Chuck Brown may not possess powers but he is skilled at using kites and has appeared in a lot of Batman stories.

2. Calendar Man just causes terror at holidays and was originally created to be a joke villain. His name is Julian Gregory Day, a psychopath that's obsessed with dates and connecting his crimes to that specific calendar day. So if it happens to be national donut day, Batman can expect some form of pastry-related crime to happen.

1. Condiment King just has a machine on his back that attaches to two guns that shoot out sauces. It's such a ludicrous idea to have a villain that shoots ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise around. His name is Buddy Standler and once had a run-in with the Joker and one of his mind-altering devices.

Other bizarre Batman baddies: Calculator; Film Freak; Maple; Onomatopoeia; Penny Plunderer; The Snowman; Ten-Eyed Man; Zebra Man; Tweedledum and Tweedledee; Crazy Quilt. 
