Who are Marvel's Justice League?

Did you know Marvel has a version of DC's Justice League?

Marvel's Justice League is named the Squadron Supreme, and they don't have the same mindset, they want to conquer the Earth, not save it.

The knockoff of Superman, is the most famous out of the team, Hyperion. He has the same powers as Superman, but he was recruited by the government instead of taken in by farmers.

Nighthawk is a genius who is Batman's counterpart, he is a master tactician with martial arts knowledge.

Diana Prince, Wonder Woman's counterpart is Power Princess, a copy of Wonder Woman, has the exact same powers, there is little difference between the two, they wear a similar suit and have the same weapons.

Though having a name change, The Blurr is one of the original four members, he was formerly known as The Whizzer, and he's a Flash rip off who never takes anything seriously.

The last main member of this team is Doctor Spectrum is a human who is bonded with a prism, like a Green Lantern Ring, he can create constructs and fly.


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