Top 5 most brutal scenes in Marvel history.

There are many scenes in Marvel, but what's the most brutal?

5. Dormammu, one of the biggest Hell lords, has used Doctor Strange's own cloak to tie him up and pop his head off, killing him.

4. The Blob, a member of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, ate The Wasp in the Ultimate Timeline,  then Hank Pym became giant and ate his head.

3. Wolverine's son, Daken, a member of the Dark Avengers, was tasked with hunting heroes down. He found Frank Castle, The Punisher, and decided to chop him to pieces 

2. In a dystopian future, Old Man Logan killed all of Hulk's son's and proceeded to fight him. However, Hulk ate Wolverine and swallowed him whole, not knowing that Logan would rip out his back, killing him as he emerged victorious. 

1. In Siege, Sentry, the hero with the power of the power of a billion exploding stars and a member of the Dark Avengers, invaded Asgard under Iron Patriot (Norman Osbourn's) orders. Ares showed up to fight as he realized Loki wasn't ruling Asgard like Norman said. Enraged, Ares was going to deliver the final blow, but Sentry showed up, fighting him, until The God Of War died. Sentry killed him by ripping him in half, with an entire double page spread to show it. Sentry then died after the H.A.M.M.E.R Heli carrier was crashed on him and Loki used Norn Stones to enhance The Avengers to beat him, then Thor threw him into the sun.  Read more...

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