Top 5 best fights in Marvel and DC

 There are thousands of fights in comics, but what are the best?

5. Batman vs Superman. The Dark Knight Returns to stop a gang of mutants, but ends up fighting Superman who was told to put Bruce down by the government. Bruce had an armor with most of Superman's weaknesses like sonics and kryptonite. He started by using a gun with high frequencies then used kryptonite, until he had a heart attack, tricking Superman to think he was dead.

4.  The Golden Guardian vs The Green Goliath. In World War Hulk, Hulk enslaved the Illuminati. The Illuminati knew Hulk was coming and told Sentry to help. Sentry attacked Hulk, letting his full power loose. He used his power, the power of a million exploding suns to burn Hulk and injure him. Robert wasn't holding back, however, Hulk was so angry that he didn't care about collateral damage, he just wanted the Illuminati and defeated The Sentry, both turning back to their human form.

3. Infinity Gauntlet has half of Earth's heroes, grouped up to fight Thanos, then when the Avengers are defeated, we are greeted with Galactus, Eternity, Lord Chaos, Master Order, The Stranger, Mephisto and even Lady Death, fighting Thanos with the full power of the Infinity Stones.

2. Superman vs Doomsday in Death Of Superman. The Last Son Of Krypton fighting death and destruction. Superman fought Doomsday with all his power, no heroes came in to help, their punches connecting caused windows to shatter, Superman tried to take him down, but Doomsday wouldn't stop, he fought and destroyed half of Metropolis. Superman finally took him down, every hero was too late though and Superman won with the cost of his own life.

1. The Anti Monitor vs the DC universe. Anti Monitor is the son of the creator of the multiverse. He wanted to spread destruction and chaos. That didn't happen because everyone fought back and with casualties, the universe won. Barry Allen was reduced to a skeleton and many others fought as hard as they could. The Anti Monitor fell.


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