Top 10 saddest Marvel and DC deaths

Top 10 saddest comic book deaths

Marvel and DC have had a lot of sad deaths in their history, but the saddest is very hard to decide. It mostly depends on which characters you are invested in, the scenarios in which their deaths occur as well, so below is my personal list that I found the most heartbreaking of all:

10. Ant Man died during Avengers Disassembled, when a bomb in the form of an ally of the Avengers (Jack of Hearts) blew up the mansion.

9. Black Widow was trying to assassinate an evil Captain America during Secret Invasion, but instead was killed herself when he stabbed her in the neck with his old WW2 triangle shield during a fight. Red Skull used the cosmic cube to turn the Cap into a Hydra Agent but it created a split personality where the good Captain America was imprisoned in his own mind. 

8. Stature is Scott Lang’s daughter and when she took on Dr Doom, she failed and died.

7. Hawkeye also died in Avengers Disassembled when Scarlet Witch made it look like the Kree was invading Earth after having a mental breakdown and Hawkeye sacrificed himself for peace.

6. Captain America was killed by the combined efforts of a brainwashed Agent Sharon Carter and Crossbones when he was on the steps of the Washington DC capital, after the events of the superhero Civil War.

5. Jimmy Olson was a longtime friend of Superman and his family, but when Joker killed him, he was the first DC photographer to die.

4. Shazam died at the hands of Injustice Superman, who was an evil dictator, who succeeded in his evil deed by burning Shazam’s eyes out.

3. Trusted butler Alfred was killed by Bane, who snapped his neck in front of the Bat Family (a team of heroes who Batman taught to watch over Gotham city).

2. Spider-Man died in an alternate universe fighting the last five members of the Sinister Six after taking a bullet to the stomach.

1. The death of Superman was the saddest death in the history of comics with the heroes of the world being too late to save him from the strength of Doomsday. It remains one of the most iconic and memorable comic books ever made.

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