Who wins - Moon Knight vs Batman?

Battle of the Knights

Moon Knight and Batman are both very good, strong characters, and actually quite alike, but who wins if they ever fought?

Firstly, Batman is stronger as he has lifted Solomon Grundy in the air with only one arm (over 500 pounds) and lifted giant beams that weigh around 800 to 1000 pounds.

Secondly, Moon Knight is extremely durable and has survived falling from a building after getting his legs chopped off, but Batman is also strong and rugged as he has survived a beating from Reverse Flash before, who is extremely powerful.

Thirdly, speed goes to Batman as he has dodged bullets and machine gun fire.

Both are super skillful in combat, but Batman has mastered every form of martial art and has even created his own. The Dark Knight is revered as one of the world's greatest martial artists.

Next, they both have notable feats, but Batman has defeated several Talons whilst hurt and wounded. Talons are highly trained and skilled warriors. Another feat is when Batman defeated the Suicide Squad and when he defeated nearly 50 ninja Man-Bats.

Finally, Batman has better combat and battle IQ because he defeated Mr.Freeze, Joker, Bane, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Two Face, Killer Croc and Penguin all at the same time.

Finally, Batman is smarter because he designed all his gadgets, weapons and vehicles by himself. He is a master at preparation and can beat almost any villain with enough time to plan his moves.

In conclusion, Batman wins 10/10 times.

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