Who is Jake Lockley?


Facts about Marvel's Jake Lockley

The final scene in the final episode of Moon Knight caused a big stir amongst fans as the third persona of Moon Knight was revealed as Jake Lockley. The driver of a stretch limousine showed no hesitations in shooting antagonist Harrow desperate his desperate pleas for mercy, showing a viewers a mere glimpse of his aggression and ruthlessness.

CBB have listed 10 facts you need to know about Jake Lockley below:

10. Jake Lockley is one of four identities used by Moon Knight: Marc Spector is a mercenary, Steven Grant is a billionaire businessman, there's suited consultant Mr. Knight, and cab driver Jake Lockley.

9. Diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, Marc creates an altar-ego, Steven Grant, after befriending a boy of that name. He added another altar-ego, Jake Lockley, when he became a teenager. It was the appearance of this third altar that led Marc's parents to send him to Putnam Psychiatric Hospital.

8. Jake Lockley is by far the most violent of the the altar-egos.

7. Lockley was designed to counteract the posh, successful, rich personality of Steven Grant. As a crimefighter, Marc created these egos to infiltrate criminal activity on all different levels.

6. When undercover as Jake Lockley, Moon Knight developed a network of informants and spies that allowed him to stay one step ahead of his enemies and criminal targets.

5. However, the addition of Jake yet another identity signal the start of his deeper struggles.

4. The New York cabbie knows the backstreets of the Big Apple like the back of his hand, so is perfect in getaway situations.

3. His choice of clothing is usually darker shades to match his mood, which is a direct contrast to the whites of the Moon Knight costumes. 

2. His best friend is called Crawley and the pair often hang out at their friend Gena Ray's diner.

1. He once emigrated to Mexico, living there as Jake Lockley, because of the fallout of the Civil War between Captain America and Iron Man. He was forced to register under the controversial Superhuman Registration Act, but faked his own death and fled.

Bonus Fact: The Dark Knight and Moon Knight - There are often comparisons made of Jake to Batman. In DC, Bruce Wayne created his own undercover street-savvy persona, Matches Malone, to infiltrate the dark criminal underworld, just like Moon Knight did with Lockley.
