10 Things you didn't know about Marvel's Zeus


Who is Marvel's Zeus?

Ahead of the newest Marvel offering, Thor: Love and Thunder, here is a list of 10 interesting facts about one of the film's characters, Zeus, a powerful deity from the Marvel universe:

10. Born on Mount Lyceum, Arcadia (Modern Greece), thousands of years ago, his full name is Zeus Panhellenios and he is a God of Olympus. The youngest son of Titans Cronus and Rhea, who ruled Olympus; he is the supreme monarch of the Olympians, God of the Heavens, sky and weather.

9. The Titans were the offspring of the sky god Ouranos and the primeval earth goddess Gaea. Zeus's father, Cronus, overthrew his father's rule by fatally wounding him. Dying Ouranos prophesised that Cronus's own children will one day do the same to him, so upon the birth of each of his children, Cronus had the infants imprisoned in Tartarus, which was a dismal underworld known as Hades. Cronus sent five children there - Hades; Poseidon; Hera; Demeter; Hesta - but his wife Rhea, appalled by his cruel behaviour, kept her sixth pregnancy from him and secretly gave birth to Zeus in ancient Greece and left him in the care of Gaea.

8. When Zeus became a young adult, having grown up among the shepherds of Mount Ida on the island of Crete, he freed his siblings from Tartarus. He also freed Cyclopes, who returned the favour by teaching him how to wield his powers to help overthrow the Titans. They fought a 10-year war, which Zeus eventually won to become the supreme ruler of the Olympian race, and imprisoned most of the male Titans in Tartarus

7.  Zeus was married to the goddess Hera, and they had children - Ares; Eris; Hebe; Hephaestus. However, he fathered many other children with other women. With Metis (a Titan), they had the child Athena; a relationship with another Titan, Dione, produced a daughter, Aphrodite; Leto gave birth to twins Apollo and Artemis; and Maia (a Nymph) had Hermes. His most notable offspring would become Hercules. Like his father before him, Zeus was told of a prophecy that claimed the Olympians were doomed to be destroyed by the giant offspring of Gaea, who could only be defeated by a mortal, so Zeus took the mortal form of a Greek general and fathered a son with Alcemena, who would become the half-god champion, Hercules.

6. His daughter Athena, the goddess of wisdom, formed the group, the Eternals.

5. Zeus once defeated Thor in a battle, which lasted over nine hours. Despite this clash, and a previous war between Asgardians and Olympians, they were all actually allies and friends. Zeus and Odin shared a long and deep friendship. Long after Odin died, Zeus mentored and acted as a father figure to Thor in respect to his old friend.

4. His weapon of choice is thunderbolt made by Hephaestus, the god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and the art of sculpture.

3. Zeus was once killed by by the rogue goddess Nyx, after being accidentally freed from imprisonment by the Grandmaster and the Challenger during a contest where they removed the earth from it's orbit around the sun. Nyx and her children attacked Olympus and slaughtered all gods, including Zeus. His son Hercules was able to take revenge to defeat Nyx and all the Olympians were revived into their true forms, however, they were reborn as savage warmongers, known as Dark Olympians, led by Zeus on a bloodthirsty mission to take over planets and plunder treasure aboard their floating city of New Olympus.

2. Star-Lord once defeated Zeus in a 100-year war. The Guardians of the Galaxy intercepted New Olympus in an attempt to stop their rampages. Star-Lord detonated a black hole bomb, which stranded himself and the Olympians on the other side of the galaxy. After being trapped in the otherdimensional world of Morinus for a 100 years, star-Lord lured Zeus and the Olympians away back to his home dimension where there was a fierce final battle with the Guardians of the Galaxy, which saw most of the Olympians killed. Athena turned against her father Zeus and helped to restrain him while Star-Lord fired a black hoe bullet at the god to exile him into a reality with no sun.

1. Zeus was known as "Storm". He chose to live in Seoul, South Korea, for a while and became a celebrity adored by millions.

Bonus Fact: Zeus once beat the Hulk in a fight with such ease, he took pity on him.

Nicknames: Jupiter; Modi Thorson; Jove; Storm; Zoos; Deus; Moodi the Moody.

Powers: Deity physiology; superhuman strength, speed, durability, reflexes, stamina, agility; invulnerability; regenerative healing; self-sustenance; immortality; magic; shape-shifting; flight electrokinesis; transportation; allspeak.

Abilities: Skilled combatant; intelligence.

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