How did Obi Wan Kenobi defeat Anakin Skywalker in Revenge Of The Sith?


How was Obi Wan able to overcome The Chosen One?

Anakin Skywalker was The chosen One, so how was his old Master able to defeat him when his powers were at their greatest?

The main reason Obi Wan Kenobi knew how to defeat Darth Vader is because he knew him so well. He knew what to do, and what not to do. 

After training with Anakin for over 10 years, guiding, teaching, mentoring him, Obi Wan knew that Anakin was someone who would attack more than defend, so Kenobi tried to back away to survive his flurry of attacks and get some strikes in as well.

Kenobi also knew he was outmatched in power, so he tried to use his skill and superior discipline to counter Anakin's anger, rage and power. 

When they were above the lava, Obi Wan saw a chance to lure over-aggressive Anakin in and strike him down by jumping up to the high ground. 

Anakin was arrogant, overconfident, blinded by power and jumped up because he believed he was that much superior and special, which is when the calm and collected Obi Wan took this chance to strike, knowing exactly what his Padawan would do. 

In conclusion, Anakin lost to Obi Wan because of his arrogance, anger and aggression.

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