Who is Star Wars' Quinlan Vos?

Important facts you need to know about Star Wars' Quinlan Vos

During Episode 3 of the Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi series, there was a mention of Quinlan Vos, whose name was scrawled on the wall in the safe house on Mapuzo, when Ben and Leia were being rescued by Tala Durith. 

But who is he? CBB have dug up some interesting facts about the mysterious Jedi here:

10. Brief description

Quinlan Vos was known as a Jedi with a sarcastic sense of humour and a reputation for not playing by the rules. He was also an excellent tracker renowned for his ability to read memories from objects people had handled.

9. Vos fell in love with Assajj Ventress

The Jedi Council sent Vos on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku, but instead he encountered, teamed up with and ultimately fell in love with Dooku's assassin, Assajj Ventress.

8. He is from Kiffu

Quinlan is of the species Kiffar from the planet Kiffu, located on the Inner Rim Territories. 

7. He was Aayla Secura's Jedi Master

Before she became a Jedi Master, Aayla Secura was apprenticed to Quinlan Vos. Known for being a maverick who often bends the rules, Vos was often sent on missions to criminal underworlds which is where he first met Aayla and accepted her as his Padawan.

6. He has worked with Obi-Wan Kenobi before

During the Clone Wars, a Hutt crime lord named Ziro escaped imprisonment on Coruscant, so Vos teamed up with Kenobi to track him down and recapture him. It was infamous bounty hunter Cad Bane that freed Ziro, who eventually ended up murdered, so they failed in their mission to bring him back to justice. Bane was standing over Ziro's body when they found them both, but adamantly claims he wasn't the killer. Bane then escaped the Jedi after a lengthy battle.

5. He turned to the dark side

Vos and Ventress were unsuccessful in their attempt to assassinate Sith Lord Dooku, and Vos then succumbed to the dark side of the force and became Dooku's apprentice, serving the Confederacy as Admiral Enigma for a time. It was his love for Assajj Ventress that brought him back to the light side.

4. He survived Order 66

Vos survived the Great Jedi Purge along with his new love, Khaleen Hentz. The Empire knew of his survival and spent the next 10 years hunting him down. Vos assisted a network that resisted the Empire and helped fellow fugitive Jedi and Force-sensitives escape to Jabiim.

3. He was a Padawan to Jedi Master Tholme

His master was Tholme, who was killed during an epic battle with Assajj Ventress.

2. He met Anakin Skywalker when he was still a slave boy

Vos was there on Mos Espa, Tatooine, when Qui-Gon Jinn first encountered young Anakin Skywalker. Vos was there to witness one of the earliest meetings between them before Anakin was even known as The Chosen One.

1. Vos saved an entire Wookie village

during the search for Jedi after the Order had fallen, the Empire tracked Vos to Kashyyyk, where Commander Faie prepared to lay waste to an entire Wookie village, which caused Vos to intervene to save them all. He struck down Faie and escaped.

Bonus Fact: Vos was listed as a priority target for the Inquisitors to capture.

Bonus Fact: Darth Vader once cut Quinlan in half with his light-saber, but it was only during a vision.

Bonus Fact: Quinlan Vos's name was designed to pattern Qui-Gon Jinn, as the creators wanted a name with the same kind of syllables. 

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