Fantastic Wolverine Facts
The Weapon X Project turned unwilling beings into living weapons and the most famous and successful of these was Wolverine. Real name James Howlett, but goes by Logan because he couldn't remember his past for many years, is a strong mutant with enhanced strength, senses, and a powerful regenerative factor, but he is most well known for his trio of retractable claws on both hands.
From Alberta, Canada (known to some as Captain Canada), his early life sees him kill his own father, Thomas Logan, then he accidentally kills his childhood friend, Rose, and ends up living in the wilderness with wolves.
With an origin like this, it's easy to see how he became one of the most popular superhero characters of all-time.
Here's 10 fascinating facts about him:
10. Wolverine first appeared in an issue of The Incredible Hulk in 1974. It was only a small cameo appearance in Incredible Hulk #180, but he returned in the next issue #181 to fight Hulk. It was his first mission with the Canadian government's Department H, he was dispatched to break up a brawl between Hulk and Wendigo.
9. Aside from his adamantium claws and enhanced physical strength, Wolverine's healing ability is his greatest superpower. Did you know that his remarkable regeneration once allowed him to recover from being run over by a steam roller, which was during a fight with The Punisher; being ripped in half by the Hulk; having his heart ripped from his chest by the Horde; and he once survived an atomic bomb blast. He also lived to tell the tale when The Mad Titan Thanos turned his bones to sponge during Infinity War.
8. His healing powers mean that he is immune to most toxins, poisons and disease... and alcohol. He has been shown in many comics to be a big drinker but he can't actually get drunk. However, one night every year, he visits mutant Chetfield Murray, who has the ability to supress a mutant's powers, allowing Logan to get hammered! He also smokes cigars often because tobacco has no lasting effect on his body.
7. Sabretooth is not his brother but he is his biggest rival. In the Marvel film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the storyline follows the story of brothers Wolverine and Sabretooth, and even though they fight often like a sibling rivalry - Sabretooth actually attacks Wolverine every year on his birthday - they are not brothers in the original comic book stories. However, Logan does have a half-brother called Dog Logan, who is inspiration for the character of Sabretooth in the film.
6. He has a son, named Daken, with his wife Itsu, who was killed by Sabretooth, who was also responsible for killing his lover, Silver Fox, many years before that. In 1946, while living in Japan, they conceived Daken, who later became brainwashed by the Winter Soldier to hate Logan, once infiltrating a SHIELD facility where his father was imprisoned, murderously slashing his stomach and callously leaving him for dead. Later, Daken helped his dad to escape.
He once killed his hate-filled son Daken himself, drowning him in a muddy puddle, which could put him on this list of the worst fathers in Marvel, but he also raised two daughters, X-23 and her clone, to become superheroes. He also mentors some of the younger X-Men, such as Jubilee, Rogue, Kitty Pryde and Armor.
It turns out that Logan may have had more offspring. When tracking down the Red Right Hand, he has to get through their team of Mongrels, but when he reaches the Red Right Hand they all took their own lives leaving behind a recorded message revealing that the Mongrels were all his offspring.
5. Wolverine once became Spider-Man. Known as a loner, a bit grizzly and unfriendly, Jean Grey became fed up with his constant fallouts with others and decided to swap his mind with Spider-Man to teach him a lesson.
4. Wolverine once got beaten up by Spock. During a Marvel-Star Trek crossover story, Wolverine goes toe to toe with Spock and gets dropped by a special neck pinch... twice!
3. Wolverine once killed the entire X-Men team. Wolverine, when he was Old Man Logan, was on patrol at the X-Mansion with Jubilee when suddenly they were attacked by Shocker, Doc Ock and others, instantly killing Jubilee in front of him. So Logan sprang into life and killed them all, until he heard a voice saying, "You were supposed to be our friend", from the fallen Jubilee. It turned out that the attack was an illusion created by Mysterio and Wolverine had in fact killed all his friends read more...
2. Wolverine can grow bone claws. The villainous mutant Magneto once ripped the adamantium from Logan's body which is when he discovered he can grow bone claws.
1. Logan has one of the highest body counts in all of Marvel, but he perished when he was encased in adamantium. Robbed of his healing factor, Logan discovered Weapon X were attempting to replicate the process that gave him a metal skeleton and naturally steps out to stop them. He succeeds and rescues dozens of people in the process, but becomes encased in molten adamantium, which caused him to suffocate.
Some time after, his adamantium shell is found cracked and empty by Jean Grey, his grave also empty, which leads to a huge hunt for Wolverine, who was far away killing a frost giant to acquire the Space Gem Infinity Stone. He even attended the wedding of X-Men Kitty and Colossus in secret, as he had no plans on returning to the X-Men.
Bonus Fact: During a crossover event between Marvel and DC, fans got see Wolverine merge with Batman in a universe called Amalgam. Wolverine and Batman merged together to form Dark Claw.
Bonus Fact: Wolverine is the most well known member of the X-Men, but he's also been a part of many other superhero teams - X-Force; Avengers; Fantastic Four. Another X-Men has also been a member of all those same four teams as Logan... Storm.
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