Who is Lord Krylar?
Krylar was born on planet K'ai, a world within the Microverse, a microscopical dimension that existed on a subatomic level.
The Microverse later became a key location for stories centered on the heroes known as the Micronauts. Because Marvel only has temporary rights for the MCU, the Micoroverse became the Quantum Realm in the films.
Marvel’s love affair with the Microverse began not in any Ant-Man comics, as one would think, but in the pages of The Incredible Hulk.
Lord Krylar was the most brilliant scientist of his world, a bit like Hank Pym, but didn't use his genius for the good of his people.
He was Lord Steward of Pitll Pawob, better known as the Isle of the Assassins, a remote location only familiar to the few wealthy enough to pay for the services.
In the early ’70s, writer Roy Thomas sent the Hulk into the subatomic universe. There, he encountered a whole humanoid population living there. And it turned out they were all green-skinned just like him. No longer feeling like an outcast, Hulk became their champion. He even fell in love with their Queen, Jarella. Thus began a long association with the Microverse in the pages of The Incredible Hulk, long before Marvel was publishing the Micronauts comics.
The Isle of the Assassins was home to that world’s oldest civilization where a high level of technology flourished. Much like Atlantis, Pitll Pawob fell into the sea, and there were almost no survivors. The descendants of the few Ptill Pawob survivors kept their tech to themselves, only sometimes selling them as weapons, and also selling themselves as weapons. This is where readers officially met Krylar for the first and only time.
During one of his visits to K’ai to see Jarella, the Hulk finds her kingdom demolished. It turns out she was taken prisoner by the ruler of another kingdom on K’ai, named Visis. Krylar was one of Visis’ chief scientists. For his master, Krylar invented a machine that can create the physical embodiment of someone’s deepest fears. Of course, Banner’s deepest fear was his inability to control his Hulk alter-ego.
Krylar’s machine created an anti-Hulk to destroy the original. Realizing that creating one Hulk to fight another was maybe not a smart idea, Krylar turned off the machine. For that insolence, Visis stabbed Krylar in the gut, leaving him for dead. Since we haven’t seen him since, we can assume he did indeed die. One of very few Marvel characters to actually stay six feet under.
Will Bill Murray’s Krylar be anything like the one from the comics? Well, for starters, he’s not green, so hat’s one key difference already.
There also doesn’t seem to be a Lord Visis in this latest Ant-Man film. But if there’s anything we can take away from the inclusion of Lord Krylar in Ant-Man 3, it’s that there is no character too obscure for an A-list actor to play in the MCU anymore.
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