Darth Maul beginnings... and ends...
Darth Maul is an amazing villain in Star Wars who hates Obi Wan Kenobi since he defeated him on Naboo, but his life story is heartbreaking.
When he was young, Maul was ripped away from his family by the Sith to be tortured and trained by Sheev Palpatine, before he was Emperor.
Then, when he was ready, he fought Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn getting cut in half by the Padawan Kenobi after killing his master Qui-Gon. He fell to his apparent death, but miraculously survived being cut in two.
Many years later, Maul was found on a junkyard planet by Savage Oppress. He only survived by living off his hatred for Kenobi. Maul was given new spider legs so he could walk again.
After escaping the planet, Savage took him to Dathomir (his home planet) to heal him with the help of the Nightsisters.
Again, Maul was given a new pair of legs which were built from some battle droid’s dead bodies and he was healed and given back his memory.
Savage and Maul wanted to lure Kenobi out so they captured a village get him to save the people living there. They failed and had to take over a small group of pirates working for a bounty hunter named Hondo.
Kenobi and Gallia - a fellow Jedi - go to defeat Maul but Gallia gets killed with a charge by Savage Oppress. In the end, Kenobi forces Maul to go back to his ship.
After Kenobi and Assajj Ventress (a Sith assassin turned bounty hunter) attack Maul, him and Savage get stranded.
After nearly dying, The Death Watch (an army of Mandolorians) find the ship and take them back to their home to help take over Mandalore.
Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, helped Maul conquer crime families for their plan to take control of Mandalore.
Their plan was put in place but Vizsla double crossed Maul at the last minute and put him and Savage in prison.
Even though they were locked up in maximum security, Maul and Savage escaped prison and killed Vizsla.
Kenobi came to help Duchess Satine Kryze (his ex girlfriend) but in the end, they were captured and Satine was killed by Maul.
Kenobi had to flee Mandalore and Maul thought he was going to rule Mandalore with his brother forever until Darth Sidious showed up. He killed Savage Oppress in front of Maul.
Though Maul survived, his reign ended after when Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex and Bo-Katan Kryze (a Mandolorian and the Duchess's sister) appeared with an army of clones and Mandolorians.
They defeated Maul and he was captured by the Republic until Order 66, which is when he was freed and escaped in a ship.
We didn’t know what happened to Maul until Rebels when he is an old man. He helped Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka defeat some Inquisitors. Then he escaped with a holocron, which he used to track down Kenobi once more.
Finally, his quest ends when he attacks Kenobi on Tattoine after Order 66 had happened, who responded back in self defence to strike him in the chest with a light-saber, killing him for good this time.
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