Could Gorr butcher The Mad Titan?
Thanos is extremely powerful, he is also one of Marvel's smartest villains, but will he survive the God Butcher's wrath?
The Mad Titan has the attack potency to draw blood from In-Betweener, a cosmic god who devotes himself to keep peace between Lord Chaos and Master Order, he has fought Galactus and sent him flying, with an energy blast, he defeated Thor multiple times, someone who Gorr struggles with, he has even sent Hulk flying with just a punch on two separate occasions. In addition to this, Thanos has been able to fight on par with a blood lusted Thor who had the power stone. Thanos can match Mistress Death with his energy beams (Mistress Death was able to easily defeat Doctor Strange, Blue Marvel, Hulk, Emma Frost and Iron Man). Finally, Thanos has taken two massive lightning bolts from Thor without injury, didn't feel a blast of energy from Silver Surfer before beating him to near death, he survived a black hole and a giant explosion the size of a city and got back up.
On the other hand, Gorr has fought three Thors, one had the Odinforce, he has butchered multiple Gods at the same time, he defeated Young Thor, he was able to tank lightning from Thor and tanked punches from him. He was able to defeat Old King Thor using an army of symbiotic being (made by the Necrosword) and he even killed a god that can arm wrestle a black hole and win.
In conclusion, Thanos wins due to having better showings and powers, however, it would be a hard fight.
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