The story of Rocky and Groot
Groot and Rocket Raccoon are good friends but how did this unlikely pair first meet?
Groot was born into a rich, royal family on Planet X (his home planet), who abduct and experiment on mammals and any animals in general.
Groot, which translates to 'Big' in Dutch, saw this and disagreed. He didn't look down upon the animals like his felow sentient saplings did, instead he felt compelled to protect them so defended his mammal friend and was banished from his planet in return.
In fact, he even killed another one of his species to defend one of these mammals when it was being cruelly brutalised. He ripped the head off another tree and was exiled from his home world because of it.
He was drifting in space, where he was captured by the Kree and imprisoned. That's where he first met Rocket Racoon.
They made an agreement to help each other escape, Groot accepted because he recognised the furry creature from before.
Eventually, both of them are drafted for war against the Phalanx. During the war, he fought alongside Drax, Gamora, Star Lord and Rocket.
During a certain battle, he needed to sacrifice himself by turning giant inside a building then setting himself on fire. He noticed his friends falling off the building and gave them a branch to land on. Luckily for him, Rocket stole a twig before Groot burst into flames.
Rocket planted him and Groot grew to the tree he is now.
Did you know? Rocket carries around a twig to regenerate Groot if something ever happens to him.
Did you know? The only other person than Rocket Raccoon who has ever understood Groot was Jean Grey when she telepathically read his mind. This means Professor X could also do the same, and Thor has the all-tongue, which allows him to speak every language ever, so should also be able to understand him too.
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