Scarlet Witch vs Doctor Strange: Battle of the Marvel Sorcerers

Scarlet Witch vs Doctor Strange - Who is more powerful?

These are Marvel's two most known, notable and mighty magical practitioners.

Scarlet Witch is extremely powerful, especially when it comes to reality warping, but Doctor Strange is an experienced and skilled user of magic, too.

Firstly, Strange has many spells and powers including energy blasts, teleportation, astral projection, flight, manipulation, conjuring up objects, and even more. 

He has overpowered and restrained a weakened Galactus before; one-shot Nova (a herald of Galactus, who can easily destroy planets); and has been toe to toe with the Inbetweener (the same person who went toe to toe with the planet-eating Galactus).

Scarlet Witch possesses reality warping, flight, and magic to match the strongest Avengers. Her biggest feats are defeating Namor, who went toe to toe with the Hulk; she miraculously brought Wonder Man back to life; took on and killed many Avengers; killed Quicksilver; healed Charles Xavier; and finally, created an army of Avengers. 

Despite being egotistical and arrogant, Stephen Strange is highly intellectual and has complete control over his emotions, whereas Wanda doesn't so much; she can sometimes be her own worst enemy.

In times of peril, Doctor Strange is quite often the person needful characters will seek out for help. Known as the Sorcerer Supreme, he knows every trick in the book.

In conclusion, Dr. Strange wins 8/10 times. He is too skilled and too smart. With so much knowledge of the mystic arts, he could almost defeat anyone if given enough prep time. If Wanda was more skilled, then she could win. No one ever trained or guided Wanda in any way; everything she knows, she learnt alone. 

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