15 Things that you didn’t know about Thor

Things that you didn’t know about Thor 

Amazing facts about the hammer-wielding god of thunder and founding member of the Avengers, Thor.

15. Thor is half Asgardian and half elder god because of his mother, Gaea. She is an elder god, part of some of the most powerful beings in the universe, like Knull.

14. He can will himself, and others, back to life. He once willed Steve Rogers back to life. 

13. During his long life, three people who have claimed to be his mother. Those were the Phoenix, which is a force, not a person; Lady Freyja, portrayed by Rene Russo in the MCU films; and his real mother, Gaea.

12. He can speak every language in the universe because of the All Tongue.

11. He can time travel with the use of his hammer, Mjolnir.

10. He became unworthy after Nick Fury whispered in his ear, the words “Gorr was right”, meaning all gods should die. After this, Jane Foster took up the role of Thor.

9. Thor has a belt of strength which he rarely uses. It doubles his strength and durability.

8. Thor defeated a superior Hulk and The Thing from the Fantastic Four at the same time.

7. Watching over Loki for years, Thor learnt how to cast illusions himself.

6. Thor once hit someone so hard that he created a black hole in space.

5. Thor is so rich that he let someone take money from a vault the size of a three-storey house. He later said that it was actually his smallest vault.

4. Thor is not immortal. He eats the Golden Apples of Idun, which makes him live longer.

3. Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Mr Fantastic all cloned Thor using a strand of his hair to sim the Superhuman Civil War.

2. Thor stated that Captain America is one of the only people who he respects.

1. Stan Lee stated that Thor was created to defeat the strongest human, The Hulk.
