10 Things you didn't know about Reed Richards


Who is Marvel's Reed Richards?

Ahead of the newest Marvel offering, Doctor Strange 2: In the Multiverse of Madness, here is a list of 10 interesting facts about one of the film's characters, Reed Richards, one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe:

10. Reed Richards is a genius, scientist, inventor and the founder of the Fantastic Four, and acquired his powers after his body was exposed to cosmic radiation. His best friend, Ben Grimm (Thing); then-girlfriend Susan Storm (Invisible Girl), and her younger brother Johnny Storm (Human Torch) were all mutated along with him during a trip to space on the stolen rocket, Marvel-1. It was surviving this incident that led him to believe there could be something bigger and more mysterious protecting them that day. He called it "a higher power".

9. Despite being roommates at uni, Victor von Doom became his archenemy, Doctor Doom, who is known for his rule over Latveria, but Reed once became their leader after a climactic battle that sent Doom to hell. The fight left Richards scarred in much the same way as Doom and began to become a dictator like him too.

Because Victor felt an immediate dislike to Reed when they first met, the latter swapped to room with Benjamin J. Grimm instead, a former high school football star, who quickly became friends for life; they even served in the military together.

8. There is a 'Council of Reeds' which is a collection of Reed Richards variants from multiple realities, of which three hold the Infinity Gauntlett.

7. Richards' inventions are the sole source of income for the Fantastic Four. 

6.  He is known for his power to stretch his body but he also has the ability to altar his appearance.

5. He is one of Earth's best Judo experts, a skilled martial artist, and a master of Atemi-Waza (body-striking combat).

4. The reason Doom's face became so scarred is because he wouldn't take Richards' advice. When developing a machine that could project the astral form of a being into other dimensions, Reed pointed out a flaw in Doom's calculations but he arrogantly ignored his warnings and the machine exploded, scarring the length of his face. From there they were destined to battle each other forever after. Doom always felt the need to prove his superiority, but Richards would prevail in nearly every one of ther altercations.  

3. He and Susan Storm married and had a son together called Franklin, who grew up to become a powerful mutant. Arguments over how to safely contain their offspring's powers led to them separating. Susan even left the Fantastic Four, who had become one of Earth's greatest team of heroes, but she and Reed eventually reconciled, although still separated. In her absence, Medusa from the Inhumans took her spot on the team for a time.

2. Reed took Iron Man's side during Civil War, favouring the Superhuman Registration Act, but a clone of Thor that he and Tony Stark created killed Goliath during battle and almost killed the rest of the Secret Avengers until Sue (who was opposing Reed) stepped in to shield and protect them from further harm.

1. The Fantastic Four are bonded together. Prolonged periods apart results in a gradual decline in their powers. If they ever spent too much time separated, they could eventually become powerless.

Bonus Fact: He started college at just 14-years-old. and obtained four college degrees by the age of 18, in the fields of Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Business. He has even won Nobel Prizes for his discoveries. However, he failed his driving test four times!!

Extra Bonus Fact: World War Hulk (the most powerful version of Hulk) easily defeated Mister Fantastic in battle.

Nicknames: Mister Fantastic / Brain-Box / Brains / Mr. F / Plastic Man / Stretch

Powers: Plasticity / Elongation / Shape Changing / Nigh Omnipotence 

Abilities: Genius Intellect / Hypnotism / Martial Artist
