10 Marvel characters you never knew existed

10 Obscure Marvel characters you may not have heard of before

There are over 7,000 characters in the Marvel Comics library, so there's bound to be a few that not even the most hardcore of comic book fans will have heard of before.

The first ever heroes to appear were Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Angel, Ka-Zar and the Masked Raider in 1939, issued by Timely Comic's (Marvel's precurser).

Below is a list of 10 obscure Marvel characters that you may not have heard of before:

10. Captain Britain

Brian Braddock is Captain Britain, an extremely strong mutant who once took on the Phoenix Force and was a member of Excalibur, which is an off-shoot of the X-Men, based in the UK.

9. Ka-Zar

Tarzan-type warrior Ka-Zar, from the Savage Land, which is a place ruled by mutant villain Magneto for years. Named David Rand, he fights dinosaurs and has recruited gods into a resistance.

8. Man-Thing

Known as Dr. Theodore 'Ted' Sallis, swamp monster mutation Man-Thing is the guardian of realities and people who fear him burn up at his touch. He is a scientist transformed into an inhuman, organic monster, who looks terrifying. He has been a part of the Avengers and Thunderbolts, as well as the Ancient Order of the SHIELD.

7. Doctor Druid

Also known as Doctor Droom, he is a sorcerer, who claimed that his only fundamental power is mind control but has been mind-controlled by villains himself. He is a mystic monster hunter with limited ablities but he has worked with Dr. Strange and the Avengers before. He has died many times.

6. Goliath

Goliath is a Pym Particle user who can turn into a giant. He is currently dead because of Ragnarok, a clone of Thor that killed him in Civil War.

5. Frog Man

Vincent Patillio is the Frog Man and also Daredevil’s brother. He is very agile, but only possesses street level ability.

4. Cosmic Ghost Rider

The Cosmic Ghost Rider is actually the Punisher, otherwise known as Frank Castle, who made a deal with the Devil to become Ghost Rider. After that, he met Galactus and became his herald. He has killed Thanos before and once took a hit from Galactus and survived. He is less powerful than Johny Blaze though, the original Ghost Rider, but still a really strong, cool character.

3. Squirrel Girl

Doreen Allene Green is a powerful character who has defeated Dr. Doom twice. She has the power to control squirrels and use martial arts. She splits her time between superhero adventures and her college studies. She has been a member of the Avengers before, has defeated Thanos once, and even fought in battles against Deadpool, MODOK and Wolverine. She was originally designed to be a joke character.

2. Gwenpool

Gwedolyn Poole is from a universe similar to ours but she was transformed into a comic. She did many things such as rescued Jeff the Land Shark and is a martial artist similar to Deadpool.

1. Blue Marvel

Adam Brashear is the Blue Marvel, a powerful being who can take on Thor, and created the Ultimates team. During this time, he one-shot 1610 Hulk who is equal to 616 (main Marvel universe) Hulk. He even took an atomic bomb to the face and was unfazed. He has also been called 'The Blue Bomber of Battle' and the 'Magnificent Master of Might'.

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